By: James Wyatt
Year: 2000
Format: Z80
Size: 25Kb
Zip-file include: 1 Z80-file
Comments by Erix1:
Let's face it:
Hell is being a small white bat!
(One of the most annoying rooms I've ever entered
in a JSW-game, that's for sure
I'm glad Edward Martland sent me that walk thorough
38451,201). "Jet Set Willy meets Colossal Cave" is filled with
secret passages, mazes and other crappy stuff designed to make your life miserable. It's
obvious that the author hates you and tries to make you commit suicide. Luckily the
JSW-engine is so thoroughly hacked you can get cheat pokes for nearly any obstacle ticking
you off
Yes, I admit it! I cheated! I cheated as hell! I've been playing Bomb Jack
for nearly two hours, and can't cope with this have-to-use-your-brain stuff! And, as if
that was not enough, this Apple & Cinnamon Fruit & Herbal Tea tastes like piss!
And, I have to go to work in a couple of hours and stay there 'til seven o' clock. That's
not humane working hours! Why is everybody picking on me? I just want to be happy and play
some Bomb Jack
Ok, this is clearly not my day, so I'll round this off by telling you
JSW meets Colossal Cave ain't all that bad. The level design is pretty god damn cool, the
secret passage stuff creates an interesting, somewhat different JSW-experience and the
graphics looks pretty good too (Some of which have been seen before but you know
free software and all that
And now... the scores:
Game Play: * * * * * * * *
Graphics: 125
Sound: 200% |