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Bug-Byte and Software Projects
Year: 1983
Download the
Bug-Byte version - Format: TAP - Size: 14Kb
Download the Bug-Byte
version - Format: SNA - Size: 15Kb
Download the Bug-Byte
version - Format: TZX - Size: 14Kb
a trained Bug-Byte version - Format: Z80 - Size: 15Kb
Download the Software
Projects version - Format: SNA - Size: 14Kb
Download the Software
Projects version - Format: TZX - Size: 14KbSpecial
Manic Miner
Pre-school Edition - Format: TAP - Size: 14Kb - Info Articles
Miner Screen shot-map
Cover art:
Manic Miner-Bug-Byte (1)
Manic Miner-Bug-Byte (2)
Manic Miner-Software
Manic Miner Re-release
Manic Miner ad.
Jepp, this is the Matthew-Smith-done-on-a-
game. So, what can one say about Manic Miner that haven't been said before? Probably a
lot, come to think of it, but I can't be bothered right now. You all know the story. You
all know it's the best God Damn game on the planet!
Differences between the
Bug-Byte- and Software Projects versions:
Cover art. (Check far left column for
cassette inlays...)
Different code from 32768-45055
Not the same scroll text.
The teleport cheats. (More info in the
Cheat Section)
Differences between room 5, 16 and 17.
(See graphics below
) Special Editions
Manic Miner Pre-school Edition
Year: 1999
Derek Jolly's entered this game
in the 1999 Crap Games Competition, which
is a slightly hacked version of Manic Miner enabling you to walk straight into each portal
and finish the game in a matter of minutes. Here's the jury's verdicts:
Alistair: I love this game, the idea behind it is crap and the implementation is
superbly crap. Its the type of game i would have expected in about 1983 not 1999. In my
book the definite winner.
Graham: A triumph of level design, and a game that almost ensured that Derek Jolly
won for a second year running, until careful investigation upon my part revealed that he
didn't even do all the coding himself, and that evidently some friend of his called
Matthew Smith had collaborated with him in the production of the game. I also decided to
disqualify him because the filename for his entry had more than three characters in it.