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Set Willy II - The Final Frontier Back to
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Cover art
Cover art for re-release
Colour code card
- By: D.P. Rowson
- Company: Software Projects
- Year: 1985
- Download a
TAP-version - Size: 34Kb
- Download a SNA-version
- Size: 29Kb
Special editions:
- Jet Set Willy II-
By: James McKay - Size:
33Kb - Format: TAP (TXT-file incl.) - Info The
Whilst recovering in hospital from a severe fall down some stairs, Willy called in the
builders. He thought it odd that they had green skin, but needing the work done in a hurry
he asked them to remove the offending edges from his stairs. Trouble was, they did far
more work than asked, adding several rooms to his mansion and then refusing to charge
him!! Maria is demanding that Willy clears up the mess and he hasn't even found all the
rooms yet. Who were these strange people? Why did they need to add a Rocket Room to
Willy's already substantial house? Much patience and stamina is required to explore the
extended house and NASA's "Guide to Simple Space Travel" is recommended reading
for those foolhardy enough to help Willy clear up the mess. Be careful in the sewers and
watch out for the bell ringer in the Belfry!!
Good Luck!!
Comments: Great game with tons of enhancements. Read more detailed info
in the text-file following the JSW2-FIX-edition.
Other reviews:
The Your Spectrum
(Issue 4, June 1984) review of JSW2
links to Your Spectrum Unofficial Archive)
JSW II- FIX James McKay has done
a special version that disables collision detection for three seconds after you're hit.
(thus avoiding loosing all your lives being continously teleported on top of the same
bad-guy...). Thanks to Carl Murray for
asking James McKay to do these fixes, and for passing them on. (Also check out the Speccy
128 version with the same feature + a built in cheat menu.)
Infinite Lives:
POKE 31249,0
POKE 31224,201
No Enemies:
POKE 31653,201
Walk on water:
POKE 30436,205
Need x object:
POKE 34686,x
Harmless nasties:
POKE 32269,201
Start room x:
POKE 30027,x
x monsters per room:
POKE 31657,x (max 15)
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Jet Set Willy IIIBack to Spectrum index
- By: Michael Blanke and Arno Gitz, MBG/APG Software, 1985
- Year: 1985
- Format: SNA
- Size: 19Kb
- Zip-file include: 1 SNA-file
- Download the game
Terminally mediocre, this game is okaaaaaay, but really nothing to be having multiple
orgasms over, or even single orgasms, or even, just, getting... slightly aroused over.
It's functional, consisting of a seemingly endless labyrinth of highly repetitive winding
tunnels and rooms, mostly devoid of any funk or soul. There are no rooms that stand out at
all, and wandering through them, you get the feeling that each was composed within a
deadline of about five minutes.
On the plus side, there are some nicely drawn original guardians, but their sheer lack
of purpose, and the fact that there are on average only one or two per room, makes them
kind of forgettable.
This didn't do much for me at all, but it does involve dear Willy, so perhaps you
should just download it anyway!
Review written by the amazing Sendy - (Home Page - E-mail)
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JSW4 - Willy's New HatBack to Spectrum index
- By: ?
- Year: ?
- Format: SNA
- Size: 19Kb
- Zip-file include: 1 SNA-file
- Download the game
The author being unknown here is perhaps a blessing... I don't like this game much and I
can say that bluntly without upsetting anyone.
In fairness, the first few rooms are well designed, and consist of complex arrangements
of platforms and static nastys which need careful jumping to negotiate. But the game
rapidly breaks down from there into what is in my view a rushed and slightly scruffy
affair, featuring too much luck and trial and error to provide rewarding gameplay. The
lack of bad guys gives the rooms a static, deserted feel which could have worked in it's
favour, but sadly, doesn't.
There are some cool design touches in here, but I can't remember any off hand, so maybe
they aren't that cool. I guess some of the screens do look nice, in a way... I'm sorry, I
just didn't find this enjoyable very much. There is definately potential and talent shown
by the author, however it is not tapped effectively to form a good game, in my honest
opinion. Am I being patronising? :>
Rumour also has it that one of the rooms late into the game requires a superjump poke
since there is no way of normally getting past. I am not sure if this is true since I did
not get that far.... you have been warned!
Review written by the amazing Sendy - (Home Page - E-mail)
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