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Adam Britton
Location: Australia
(Crocodilian) not JSW, but well worth a look! |
The Continuing Adventures |
Download The Continuing Adventures |
Download The Continuing Adventures
: Special Edition |
Year: 1985
Format: SNA
Size: 20Kb
Zip-file include: 1 SNA-file
The plot:
Miner Willy bought his mansion and threw his party, and the events surrounding the
aftermath of this were told in Jet Set Willy - all the mess had to be tidied up before
midnight so Maria would let Willy get to bed. Of course, dutiful as he was, Willy managed
to collect all the objects in time and had a rewarding night's sleep. During the night,
however, strange things were afoot. The attic bug, found in the original Jet Set Willy
game, has been corrupting Willy's house and changing the fabric of time and space. Willy
awakens to find that his mansion has been considerably changed! Even the bathroom is
different. As for poor Maria, she's turned into a machine and shows her anger by not
letting Willy back into bed ever again unless he fixes the mess by picking up all the
objects again that have been redistributed and corrupted by the attic bug. The cook,
meanwhile, has been having his own party...
Comments: Nice game, but
the problem is it's impossible to finish (Something which is fixed in the special
THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES (SE) 1998 Release fixing all bugs and making it possible to
finish the game.
Size: 30Kb - Format: TAP
(TXT-file incl.)

The new screens
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Willy's Holiday |
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Year: 1985
Format: SNA
Size: 21Kb
Zip-file include: 1 SNA-file
This was my personal favourite for a while... Many of the rooms have the brilliant
atmosphere of the original JSW, but in the new context of being set in a hotel. This has
some good rooms, and some okay rooms, so overall it's fun. There are some nice visual
touches which show humour and imagination (essential in a JSW game) and many of the
guardians are exclusive to the game, which is cool.
Much of the game is
set outside of the hotel, in the well designed subway and sewer sections, the gardens and
outside grounds, as well as some perculiar rooms which are completely surreal (yessssss!)
such as 'The White Room' which is hard to escape from (1) because of it's unusual
connection configuration and (2) because the background is the same colour as Willy!
All in all, above
average, but slightly inconsistent in places. Well worth playing!
Review written by the
amazing Sendy
Highly playable! Even got some sort
of an intro-thingie going...(Erix1)
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The Deadly Mission |
Download |
Year: 1985
Format: SNA
Size: 20Kb
Zip-file include: 1 SNA-file
Comments: Willy sure do
hang around a lot in space... A great game with loadsa new gfx!
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