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By: Andrew Broad (Broadsoft)
Year: 1998
Format: TAP
Zip-file includes: The game - 1
text file
Size: 20Kb
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The game was originally
written in 1994 and based on David Bowie's soundtrack album for a BBC2 adaptation of Hanif
Kureishi's novel. In 1998 it was modified, and released on the Internet. However, only the
last ten screens are based on "The Buddha of Suburbia". The first ten are among
other things, tributes to "Dr Who", "The Terminator", tennis-stars and
"The Girl From Tomorrow". You'll also find tributes to JSW's "room 47"
and "The Off-licence". When the game's all loaded, you're forced to listen to an
awful Spectrum-rendition of the albums title track, wasting approximately 45 seconds of
your life. The game starts off with a couple of "Terminator"-levels, and manages
to gradually (well, almost) increase the level of difficulty as you advance through the
game. "Buddha Of Suburbia" is not as difficult as "Manic Miner 4"
(with the exception of "Dead Against It", which drives me fucking crazy!), and
probably better suited for non-expert gamers (like myself). Most of the caverns are well
planned, from "pixel-perfect-cracker-jack-timing" scenarios to
"walk-as-fast-as-you-possibly-can-before-time-runs-out"-kinda things. Sadly,
most of the graphics are from Jet Set Willy, and the new graphics looks kind of
"amateurish". But, well worth a download. It's still way better than most Manic
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