S : Amstrad CPCApart from Manic Miner II(Homebrew), all the
CPC-Miners have been made by the genious behind JSW II for the Spectrum... The Motorola
(something) graphics chip can only display 4 colours (out of 27) in the resolution
required for a JSW/MM game but they did a good job with the limited palette and the music
tracks in JSW I/II are great!
Manic Miner
Company: Software Projects
- Author:D.P.Rowson & S.Wetherill
Format: Zipped DSK - Size:16,3Kb
Description: Good version. It's got the ability to display quite a few different
"bad guy sprites" at the same time (Spectrum only do two at the most).

Manic Miner II
Company: Software Projects - Author: ?
Format: Zipped DSK - Size:16,3Kb
Description: Hack of the above game. Trainer included!

Jet Set Willy
Company: Software Projects - Author: D.P.Rowson
& S.Wetherill
Format: Zipped SNA - Size:24,2Kb
Description: Hefty music! Even got a high score list!
Jet Set Willy II
Company: Software Projects - Author: D.P.Rowson
& S.Wetherill
Format: Zipped DSK - Size:34,4Kb
Description: Again great music! (without the high score this time...)
