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The Systems
Erix1 said :
"Welcome to the games section. Here you'll find Manic Miners and Jet Set Willys for
most computer systems (Both originals and home-brews). I've been collecting Miner Willy
games + emulators on the net for quite some time now, and keep finding new ones all the
time! Although the spectrum versions are my favourites there's a lot of interesting Miner
Willy action going on under other (not so rubbery) keyboards. Did you know that Rob
Hubbard did the music for the Atari XL version of JSW?! Download and check it out! If
you have problems running any of the games please refer to my... THE-WHAT-EMULATOR-TO-USE-AND-HOW-TO-USE-THAT-EMULATOR
Emulators for the MAC? Click here!
Links to other versions:
Linux: Manic Miner - CPC+: Jet Set Willy+
Versions not availiable on
the web (but wanted of course):
PMD-85 versions of MM 1/2/3 and a game called "Willy": Check out this link!
Memotech versions of MM and JSW. Check this out!
Gear versions of JSW and MM!
MAC-versions of JSW and MM!