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Commodore 64
Remember - no colour clash on the '64 !
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win64 emulator
Downloads :
Manic Miner
Miner 2049er
Jet Set Willy & Jet Set Willy 2 - The Final
Frontier (Both games in one file)
Jet Set Willy
Jet Set Willy II
Erix1 said: "Ach,
Miner Willy on the 64?! Blasphemy! Anyway, during the years i have learned to appreciate
the little grey box, and the Miner games definitely do not suck! "
Manic Miner
Company: Software Projects
Author:Chris and Kris Lancaster
Format: Zipped T64 Manic Miner
Size: 21,3Kb - COVER
Erix1 said: "Biggest fucking Eugene I ever saw...! Nice sound and no colour
clash (As usual, being a c64 and all...) New gfx for Eugene... Sliding scroll text."
The speccy screen size was retained in MM for C64, as you
can see by the border. |
This was essential, as perfect pixel spacing made the game
what it is. |
Level select: POKE 16424,X(x=level) SYS 16384
Disable collision detection: POKE 16632,0 SYS 16384
Unlimited lives: POKE 16432,5 SYS 16640
Set number of lives: POKE 1624,X (x=lives) SYS 16640
Invincibility: POKE 16571,173 SYS 16640
Cheat mode: POKE 16573,234 POKE 16572,234 POKE 16571,234 SYS
Cheat mode (*): POKE 16423,5 POKE 16571,173 |
Miner 2049er
Company: Reston
Author: Bill Hogue & Frank G
Format: Zipped d64
Company: Alligata
Author: Anthony Crowther
Format: Zipped T64
Jet Set Willy
Company: Software
Author:Shahid Ahmad
Format: Zipped D64
Size: 26,9Kb- COVER
Erix1 said: "Great music!!! Movement is a bit yerky though... And the stairs
look like... well, stairs..."
Jet Set Willy 2 - The Final Frontier
Company: Software
Author:J.Darnell & S.Britles
Format: Zipped D64 - Size: 68,6Kb (Incl. JSW 1)
Erix1 said: "Ok, I've got this one partially working with my emulator and it's
a big improvement from JSW part one. The music is much better and the playfield much
bigger! The speed seems to be the same though... (not quite up there with the Spectrum and
CPC versions) "

VIC 20
This system has it's own
Miner Willy Game:
Peril's of Willy!
The Peril's of Willy
Cover art
of Willy - Whole cover (small)
of Willy - Front
Perils of Willy - Inlay text
Company: Software
Projects - Author:?
Format: PRG (16K) - Size:38,8Kb
Description: Jupp, truly a masterpiece for the 16K Vic-20! 33 screens and AWSOME
music! (The gameplay fucking sucks but who cares? It's Miner Willy!!!)
Peril's of Willy review
Plus/4 - C16
Manic Miner
Company: ? - Author:?
Format: PRG - Size:12Kb
Description: Hmmm
There's no opening screen, few colours and no sound. All
this could be my emulator fooling me, but judging from the plus/4 version of JSW it might
not be far from the truth. One would guess the game was made to be compatible with the
less impressive C16, which would explain the lack of almost everything, but trying it out
in C16-mode on my copy of the WinEmu-emulator* proves me wrong. I guess someone just did a
lousy job.
*WinEmu is the Emulator of choice (so
far). The game does not respond all that well with that Minus 4, screwing up the colours
and much of the graphics (Some of the gfx just disappears
) On the WinEmu (with the
digitised palette-option on), you get to see the game as it is, apart from some horrible
pixel-on/off-things going on in the floor, walls and one of the nasty-attributes. I will
try it out on the Mass-emulator both on MAC and PC, later, so stay posted. (When I get the
time, I'll install Linux and check out the emulators on that OS) Actually, if anyone out
there decides to try it out on other emulators, why don't you mail me and tell me how it
Eugene had to run some errands, so one of the "Software
Projects"-Amoebatrons filled in for him. |
Jet Set Willy
Company: ? - Author:?
Format: PRG - Size:12Kb
Description: Small version... Jerky movements... Low on colours... No music... Few
sprites... But then again... Good for Plus/4 owners!... And C16 i suppose...
Jet Set Willy II
Company: ? - Author:I. Davidson
Format: Zipped PRG - Size:32Kb
Description: The game is split into four parts due to the massive amount of
screens. Apart from that it looks like the other MM/JSW-Plus/4-versions (A bit stripped
down, but OK...)