S : D r a g o n 3 2 / 6 4
Manic Miner
(Front) - Cover (Back)
Company: Software Projects
- Author:Paul Burgin
Format: Zipped CAS - Size: 31,9Kb
Description: A good version of Manic Miner. There's no colour (only black'n'white)
but the music is likeable and the action is fast. Oh, and there's two bonus levels for all
you Dragon/Tandyphreaks... It comes in two versions: The original (you'll need the colour
code card...) and a cracked/ trained version.

Jet Set Willy
Company: Software Projects
- Author:Roy Coates
Format: Zipped CAS - Size: 62,4Kb
Description: Another good-fast-1-bit-version of JSW. I especially like this game
coz my favourite Manic Miner bad buy Eugene makes an appearance. (75 screens) It comes in
two versions: The original (you'll need the colour code card...) and a cracked/ trained
version with level editor!.

Dragon cheats