The Caverns:
1. Central Cavern
2. The Cold Store
3. The Menagerie
4. Abandoned Uranium Mine
5. Eugenes Lair
6. Processing Plant
7. The Vat
8. Willy Meets The Kong Beast
9. Wacky Amoebatrons
10. Endorian Forest
11. Attack Of The Mutant Telephones
12. Return Of The Kong Beast
13. Ore Refinery
14. Skylab Landing Bay
15. The Bank
16. The Sixteenth Cavern
17. Home At Last
18. Back To Work
19. Down The Pit
20. Hall Of The Mountain Kong
21. Centre Of The Earth
22. The End Of The World
23. Space Shuttle
24. Airlock
25. Where Is The Hyperspace Button?
26. In A Deep, Dark Hole
27. The Channel Tunnel
28. Not The Central Cavern
29. The Warehouse
30. Amoebatrons Revenge
31. Solar Power Generator
32. Final Barrier
O r i c 1Well, at the moment i can only give you Manic Miner. Don't know
if JSW exists for this system...
Manic Miner
Company: Software Projects - Author: Steven Green
Format: TAP /Euphoric format) - Size:38,8Kb
Description: Ok, on the bright side this game got 32(!) caverns + good multi
channel music. Buuuut... The colour clash is even worse that the spectrums, and Willy(+all
horizontal buggers) are only 8 pixels wide, which makes our hero look like a midget (Not
that he was so big to begin with...)
CHEATS: More lives: DOKE#683,#EAEA - Suppress the grill: POKE#6A83,#4C:DOKE#6A84,#600
- Select screen: POKE#5540,(Screen number-1)
Cheats was nicked
