Useful utilities
for the PC
The Spectrum
Graphics Editor
By: Richard Jordan
(Links to his page)
It comes in both
Windows- and Dos
versions. (There's
even an Amiga
version...) If you
have Windows 9x on
you PC, this editor
is a must! It's
superb for loading
new graphics into
snapshots, and
has the ability to
draw and animate.
Dpaint Animation
314Kb - DOS
Classic drawing
program. Excelent
for making JSW/MM-
graphics and
Great DOS-prog by
BLOOD!, for
converting BMP-
files to Speccy
gfx format...
JSW Rooms
Report v1.1
by Arsen Torbarina.
A program that
generates rooms
list with their
connection scheme
for JSW programs
based on the code
from JSW Part One
JSW Monitor V1.0
by Arsen Torbarina.
DOS program for
easy viewing and
dumping Willy's
mansion to BMP
files, finding
invisible objects
and so on.
Specsaisie V1.0
by Andrew Broad
Multi functional
JAVA tool kit.
Read more on the
Specsaisie page
from Andrew Broad's
web site
How to get started on a Manic Miner
Hack Attack III -Pokes for
Manic Miner
Hack Attack III -Pokes for
Jet Set Willy
Hack Attack III -Pokes for
Jet Set Willy 2 II on
Manic Miner Cheat
-- |
DEVELOPMENT PAGEThis page is intended to give you tools, hints and tips in the
make-your-own-Manic-Miner-or-Jet-Set-Willy-sequel-department (for the Spectrum, that
is...). It's still under development but have certainly expanded a bit since the last
update. For now I have editors for downloading, links to tech-stuff and some useful PC
S h o r t c u t s :
Editors for Jet Set Willy
Editors for Manic Miner
Technical documentation (Room formats,
disassembly's and so on...)
Graphics utilities
J e
t S e t W i l l y
- By: Spectrum Electronics
Size: 28Kb - Format: TAP and SNA - Documentation: Yes
Comments: This is the best JSW-editor around (Approved by Software projects).
It's easy to use, looks good and can do most of the manipulations that's possible with the
room definition and Guardian definition. (Will most certainly be surpassed by Andrew
Broads forthcoming JSW-editor...) 
My next JSW-game, "Maria vs. some bastards", is partially done with this
editor...(Here some layouts from the early stages of development...)
JSW Editor MkII - By:
Softricks, 1984
Size: 24Kb - Format:SNA - Documentation: Nope
Comments: This is the second best JSW-editor around (also approved by Software
projects). It's not very good at manipulating guardians, so take my advice and stick with
the editor above...

The MkII comes with two extra samples screens. (47: The Moat and 61: The Vault)
By: Rich Swann
Size: 45Kb - Format:SNA - Documentation: Yez
Comments: JSW Editor done in Basic. Made more emulator friendly by BLOOD!
German JSW editor done in
Basic (TAP, 28Kb)
Ok, this one is a bit interesting because of the 60 new screens that came along with it
(Even got German room names...). I've converted it to a playable SNA-file. DOWNLOAD HERE!

M a
n i c M i n e r
- By: Andrew Broad, 1988
Size: 39Kb - Format: TAP - Documentation: Yes
Comments: This is the best MM-editor in exsitence. Other editors do not even
come close...
The Manic Miner Editor Pack
v1.1 By: Rich Swann
Size: 42Kb - Format:SNA - Documentation: Yeah
Comments:Type-in basic prog. from Your Sinclair. Typed and given to the 'Net by BLOOD! Not
very useful.
Manic Designer 2 By: Mark
Whatling and Peter Webb
Size: 41Kb - Format:SNA - Documentation: Sure
Comments:This editor's got one advantage over Andrew Broad's editor; It
display's the block graphics. (It's inferior in every other way...)
Miner room format by Andrew Broad
features in MM/JSW by Andrew Broad
A Miner Triad
by Richard Hallas
Jet Set Willy room format: Jet Set Willy Ultimate Fan Page.
Jet Set Willy 2 room format: John Elliott's page.
Disassembly of the JSW and MM
game engines:
John Elliott's page.
The Artist II - By:
Size: 39Kb - Format:TAP - Documentation: Nope
Comments: This is the best program for doing GFX on the Speccy (in my opinion).
It's superb for drawing and colouring. If you're using the X128-emulator, you can operate
it with a mouse (Right mousebutton=activate stuff). I love the feeling of uing a mouse on
a Spectrum! A few instructions to get your kempston mouse going (if you've got X128):
Answer "no" to the first three questions after loading. Operate the arrow with
Q=up, S=down, I=left, O=right and N=select. Move your pointer up to the menu-segment
called "Extras", Select "Kempston Mouse", and you're in business...